Clinical studies prove the positive impact of low level laser technology in the treatment of pain, orthopedic conditions, inflammation, sports injuries and wounds. Over 2,000 publications – including more than 100 double-blind studies – have backed the efficacy of low level laser therapy.
B-Cure Laser’s efficacy for the treatment of pain and wounds has been proven in 5 double blind clinical trials.
5 other clinical trials are in process.

Clinical trial of 90 patients (30 B-Cure active Laser, 30 placebo, 30 pain relief medication) affected by Joint-Related Pain (TMJ).
The results:
B-cure Laser’s efficacy is almost equivalent to the conventional drugs therapy. The LLLT home protocol can be considered an effective and safe method to manage the pain related to TMJDs. The LLLT has no adverse local or systematic effects.
Published in: Cranio, April 2019

The results of this clinical trial showed a decrease in temperature, drainage output and pain relief, and accelerated healing in the laser group: LLLT facilitates wound healing, due to a more rapid resolution of acute inflammation, as suggested by the significant CRP drop from the second to the fifth postoperative day and the proliferation phase of healing which begins earlier is demonstrated statistically by significant values of a more rapid decrease in the CK laser group suggesting that these markers may guide LLLT treatments.
Published in: American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 2014. (Submission in process)

The use of original LLLT techniques in the prevention and treatment regimens before and after dental implantations, significantly reduces the frequency and intensity of the pain symptoms in the first days after the installation of endosseous implants, promotes faster and more complete relief without additional analgesics within the first 5 days of the postoperative period, in comparison with placebo-laser therapy.
The frequency of occurrence of oral mucosal postoperative hematomas on T2-3 in the Placebo Group patients was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than within the Laser Group patients (33.3% versus 13.3%, respectively).
Published in: Physics of Cancer: Interdisciplinary Problems and Clinical Applications, Sep 2017

A 50% decrease in pain level within two weeks, compared to 8% within the control group.
Published in: The “Laser Therapy”, March 2015.

Twelve weeks of daily B-Cure Laser Pro treatments significantly decreased wound size in patients with diabetic foot ulcers, compared to sham-irradiated controls.
70% The patients within the LLLT B-Cure laser Pro group had a >90% wound closure, whereas only 13% of the placebo group had this degree of wound closure (p=0.01 by FET). Some ulcers within the active group have completely healed during the trial period.
Published in: 37th Annual Meeting of the Israel Orthopedic Association, Dec 2017, Tel Aviv, Israel.

A systematic literature review published in “Photomedicine and Laser Surgery”, supports the outstanding efficacy of B-Cure Laser vs. all medical photomedicine devices for home use worldwide, for the treatment of pain and wound healing.
(November 2018).

American College of Physicians’ Guidelines include a “strong recommendation” for Low-Level Laser Therapy as a non invasive treatment for acute, subacute & chronic low back pain.
(April 2017).

We show that LLLT reduces pain immediately after treatment in acute neck pain and up to 22 weeks after completion of treatment in patients with chronic neck pain”.
(December 2009)

International guidelines recommend the “use of low level laser therapy for treatment of Oral Mucositis“.
(November 2018).