
According to the World Health Organization, Fibromyalgia is defined as a disease or syndrome from the group of rheumatic illnesses. In other words, illnesses related to joints, soft tissues and connective tissues.

Despite its symptoms being similar to those of arthritis, they are not related. Fibromyalgia in itself does not harm any of the body’s tissue, but it is important to maintain regular physical activity to prevent the muscles from weakening.

According to estimates, between 2% – 8% of the population suffer from fibromyalgia, while the number of women who suffer from the syndrome is almost 9 times more than men.

Researchers estimate that approximately 5 million Americans aged 18 or older are affected by Fibromyalgia syndrome.

People with certain rheumatic diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (commonly called Lupus) or Ankylosing Spondylitis (spinal arthritis) may be more likely to develop Fibromyalgia

Diagnosis of the disease in most cases is between the ages of 20-50 and around 75% of those who suffer from it are undiagnosed. The disease is defined by chronic muscle pain and it is not known what causes the syndrome or how to treat it.

What the Source of the Syndrome?

Even today, there are no findings regarding the cause of the syndrome. However, it is known that the syndrome has a genetic tendency. It is important to note that there has been no discovery of a specific gene responsible for the outbreak of the syndrome but there is genetic tendency that is activated in the right environmental conditions.

Studies have shown that there is interaction between physical, neurological and psychological factors and the chances of an outbreak of the syndrome. The pain that is experienced is often affected by feelings and moods. Depression or anxiety can cause pain to seem much worse and in contrast, when experiencing pain, it can lead to a feeling of being pressured or stressed.

Usually people feel pain when part of the body is affected (like arthritis) or following a physical injury. People with Fibromyalgia feel pain differently because it is not caused by damage or injury to tissue that causes pain. Instead, a problem occurs that confuses the way the brain and the nervous system transfer the feeling of pain. It does not mean that the pain is less real, but because there is no physical damage that can be observed, there is no easy way to stop the pain.

Throughout the years many studies have tried to examine the causes of outbreak of the syndrome, these have led to many and varied diagnoses regarding the causes.

The main symptoms of Fibromyalgia are

  • Pain
  • Extreme chronic tiredness
  • Sleep disorders

The effects of these symptoms differ from person to person and from day to day.

People who suffer from Fibromyalgia often say that tiredness is the worst part of the disease because they are unable to think clearly or remember things properly.

The pain may feel as if it affects the entire body or it may be particularly intense in a few areas. Patients report that the pain is more severe in extreme weather conditions. Another trait is the extreme sensitivity to pressure in certain points of the body (18 sensitive points).

The less common symptoms of Fibromyalgia include:

  • Poor blood flow along with feelings of tingling, numbness or swelling in the arms and legs.
  • Irritability or feelings of despair.
  • Urgent need to go to the bathroom, especially at night.
  • Diarrhea or constipation and stomachaches (sometimes diagnosed separately as IBS).

Methods of Treatment:

Because there is no exact diagnosis regarding the causes of outbreak of the syndrome,  the main goal of treatment is to maintain ability to function, improve quality of life and reduce the symptoms. Common treatments include:

  • Hydrotherapy.
  • Psycho-therapeutic treatments – hypnosis, NLP, CBT and methods based on meditation that help patients cope better with the pain and symptoms that accompany the illness.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Medications.

Treatment with low -level laser – B-Cure Laser for treating Fibromyalgia pain.

Living in the shadow of fibromyalgia pain is not simple. The pain attacks the body in waves, sleep is disturbed, and there is no effective treatment today that cures the disease.

The B-Cure laser may relieve fibromyalgia pain, doing so without any known side effects, in the comfort of your home. It is worthwhile to be aided by in times of pain, and thus may improve the quality of life.

The low-level laser works on the skin surface, and at the same time penetrates to the deep tissue without any heating effect and without harming the skin. The soft laser technology has, up until now, only been available using large and immobile machines in clinics, hospitals and pain treatment centers.  For years, this technology has served the best experts in the world and it is a proven, acknowledged and effective mode of treatment.

How Does it Work?

Phototherapy has been shown to affect cellular activity in the following ways:

  • Stimulates cell growth
  • Increases cell metabolism
  • Improves cell regeneration
  • Invokes an anti-inflammatory response.
  • Promotes edema reduction.
  • Reduces fibrous tissue formation.
  • Stimulates nerve function.
  • Stimulates long term production of Nitric Oxide.
  • Decreases the formation of Bradykinin, histamine and acetylcholine and stimulates the production of endorphins.

Today one can treat the pains from fibromyalgia with the low -level laser technology that has been proven to relieve pain without stepping out of the house.

B-Cure Laser is a medical device for home use that has succeeded in harnessing the low- level laser technology into a portable and convenient device for use at home. Through research, B-Cure Laser has been proven as effective in treating pain.

Treatment of fibromyalgia using low-level laser has been clinically proven as effective in treatment of pain.


Treatment Protocol

Place the device on the area of pain and treat for a duration of 8 minutes without moving. To locate the exact point of pain it is recommended to use the Trigger Point Map.

If there are many painful areas on the body which hurt at the same time, reduce the duration of treatment for 4-6 minutes in order to cover all painful areas.

For optimal results, repeat the treatment at least twice a day.

It is advisable to use the adjustable B-Cure Laser stand, to treat comfortably remote and hard to reach areas

How to treat Fibromyalgia pain with B-Cure Laser?