Feeling a tingling feeling down your fingers and arm or are you feeling numbness?

Due to the pandemic, all of us are spending more time working from home but without a proper work set up. For many, we have had to make do by working from our dining tables, living rooms or even in our bedrooms. This lack of proper ergonomic set ups and equipment are hurting us and may be giving us carpal tunnel syndrome.


According to the Mayo Clinic, carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm side of your hand. When the median nerve is compressed, the symptoms can include numbness, tingling and weakness in the hand and arm. The anatomy of your wrist, health problems and possibly repetitive hand motions can contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can become debilitating and impact our quality of life. For some, they cannot even stretch their hands to hold their mouse anymore without feeling intense pain through their arms. Some also get lower back pains as the nerves are all connected and can no longer carry their young children without pain. For others, the tingling feeling travels down their neck and result in neck problems. If left untreated, carpal tunnel syndrome can lead to permanent damage to our nerves.

Working from home without a proper set up may be causing you to bend your wrist or result in incorrect posture as we type on the keyboard and stare at our monitors.  All these are impacting our necks, shoulder muscles and compressing the nerves in your neck.

What are some things we can do? Ensure your set up is correct, watch your posture and take short and frequent breaks.  You may need to see a doctor if the condition doesn’t improve and the doctor may prescribe pain killers and recommend seeing a physiotherapist.

Alternative treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

However, many of our customers have tried different ways to improve their condition with little success. Consulting different doctors, visiting different therapists, trying different medications or even increasing the dosage may reduce the pain for a few hours but hurt the body for a few years.

It’s the search for alternative solutions that led our customers to find B-Cure Laser; a non-invasive medical device that provides pain relieve, reduces inflammation and promotes natural healing with no side effects.  B-Cure Laser is registered with Health Sciences Authority of Singapore (HSA).

want to hear more about the b-cure laser? click here 

B-Cure uses a technology called Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or soft laser. Doctors have been using LLLT for over 40 years, but this was not available to us to use in the comfort of our own home, until today.

This revolutionary technology that powers B-Cure Laser is light energy that penetrates our skin into the tissues to stimulate the natural healing mechanisms and speed up the body’s healing process. At the same time, it increases the level of endorphins that act on the opiate receptors in our brains to help reduce pain and boost our mood, giving us a feeling of well-being.

Unlike other pain management devices that only stimulates the surface of the skin or muscles beneath the skin that usually provides temporary relief, the soft laser can relieve pain and actually treat the source of the problem.

B-Cure Laser has given us the power to carry around this amazing technology in a small, easy-to-use, portable device so we never have to ‘live with the pain’ again.

Recommended by doctors

B-Cure Laser has become a favorite of doctors who treat pain. Professor Daniel Reis, from the Technical Institute of Medical School of Haifa and one of the leading orthopedic surgeons in Israel, Dr David Ben Kiki, who has been a chiropractor for 37 years and Professor Jean Jacque Vatin, have reported that their clinical experience with the device has shown positive results on patients’ carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, lower back, knees and other joints.

Look no further for a non-invasive, no side effects solution to your pain. Stop living with the pain, start living your life.

Over 240,00 patients around the world are relieving their pains with B-Cure Laser. If you wish to know more and enjoy a promo price, kindly fill up the contact form

Call us for more info: 91830188

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Content marketing: This information does not constitute medical advice and it should not be relied upon as such. Consult with your doctor before modifying your regular medical regime.